Glossary of Terms
Adventure Board: A game board reserved especially for LMs and Archmages to set up and moderate adventures which take place in an area away from city boards.
Adventure Thread: A series of posts, almost always begun by a LMs or Archmage, in which a moderator and players take turns posting actions and reactions in a situation which is potentially dangerous as well as potentially rewarding for the PCs and others involved.
Apprentice: A player appointed by a LMs to assist in the design of a city, usually charged with creating a few locations, handling interactions at their locations and moderating adventure threads on their city boards.
Board: Or game-board. A message board which can include a game area such as a city, castle, or other set location, a message board for OOC messages, questions about game play, adventures in progress, or any number of other things. They are all referred to with the shorthand description of 'boards'.
Campaign: Either a way of referring to the game in general or a long, multi-adventure project which takes a long time to complete. It can also refer to prolonged military activity.
Creative Associates: Those players opting to do one of a number of activities such as researching new boards and creating the newsletter.
Design Team: 1) Those that were involved with the design of the game from the beginning. 2) In various places you will see references to Administrators which refers to 'Mark' and 'Tessa'. 3) Those who work in varying capacities supporting such ongoing design as may be necessary.
Diceless: A type of game in which the results of a player's actions do not depend on the roll of the dice or any other random method. Viking Roads can best be described as moderated and diceless.
Escort: A type of moderator who welcomes newcomers to Viking Roads, helping them find their way around and possibly running a few simple threads to help them get acclimated. These moderators are selected by and responsible to a LMs.
Filler: As opposed to adventure threads, fillers are social interactions with other PC’s for the purpose of getting to know others IC. While most major action will happen in adventure threads, mini-adventures can happen in a filler.
Free Form: A genre of game in which there are almost no rules. Viking Roads can be described as Moderated Free Form. There are not as many rules as in some other games but those that exist are important. Following them will help everyone enjoy the game.
In Character: (abbreviated IC) What a player does with his or her player character in the game and on the boards. It helps to remember that this is often very different from anything the player might do in real life. We ask that you remain in character to the maximum extent possible on city and adventure boards.
LMs: A Moderator who assumes overall responsibility for the moderation of a city board. The LMs may also conduct adventures outside of his or city with the permission of the design team.
NPC: NPC’s are characters created by moderators for developing the playing boards or adventure threads. While they frequently interact with PC’s, NPC’s should not interact exclusively with one another.
Out of Character: (Abbreviated OOC) What a player (not player character) says and does which he or she doesn't mean to be attributed to his or her character. it also refers to who a person is when not playing VR.
PC: A character used to play the game of Viking Roads. Each person opting to play can create up to four (4) PC’s to play with.
Role playing: Assuming the part of another person in a game or simulation. The identity that a player assumes is known as a player character, or PC.
Role playing: Assuming the part of another person in a game or simulation. The identity that a player assumes is known as a player character, or PC.